Meet Sarah

Hello friends! I'm Sarah - it's so nice to meet you. I am a born and raised Wisconsinite who took a hop to the Windy City for about 6 years and my latest adventure brought me to Manhattan about two years ago to experience all that NYC has to offer.
Despite being in a different location my love for all things Wisconsin sports and cheese will never leave me (GPG!). I love to run, spend rainy days by the window with a book, enjoy the diversity the city has to offer and escape to the fresh air of a mountain hike when I am in need of a reset.
My degree is in Psychology and I have spent much of my career in Human Capital services within the corporate space. Five years ago I started personal coaching on the side and it has filled my soul beyond measure. Being able to meet someone where they are, help them define the life they want, create a plan, and ultimately reach a goal is one of the most gratifying feelings in the world. I believe we are on this Earth to find our talents and gifts to be able to help others. The gratitude is what continues to carry me through.
I have had a wide array of personal challenges that also help me relate to you on an individual level whether it's childhood trauma, the unexpected loss of a partner, sexual assault survivor, an abusive relationship, violence survivor, depression and anxiety battler, meaning of life contemplater - I get it!
Life throws us so many challenges and it can be very difficult to move forward when you're feeling lost and without a plan. I am here to provide support, accountability, and structure to the future you want. Let's go get the life you deserve to love.